
28 70 Vs 24 70 Sony

Standard zooms are the swiss knifes for photographers who need flexibility, tin't modify lenses or prefer exact framing over prime number qualities.

The Sony Iron standard zoom palette has grown in the past years. In the outset, we were cought between a stone (Sony Atomic number 26 3.5-v.half dozen/28-70) and a hard identify (Sony FE four/24-seventy ZA OSS). We were trying to get around this lens blazon every bit expert equally we could.

In 2019, iii great options are available and the situation is the other fashion around. Not only I accept a hard fourth dimension to determine which of the iii highly regarded lenses suits me best, so let's find out together which lens is the best choice for whom.

This commodity will be split into three seperate posts due to the sheer amount of data. I volition start with a sharpness shootout (infinity) between the Sony 2.8/24-70 GM, the Tamron 2.8/28-75 Di III RXD and the Sony four/24-105 One thousand OSS.


Get-go of all, let me quote Roger Cicala from who said this in the forum. He probably tested more than lenses for sample variation than all readers of this postal service together:

"I've just tested 5,000 zooms so far so all I can say is the frequency of a zoom perfect at all focal lengths is lower than 1 in five,000."

And so after all, y'all come across just the performance of my copies of these lenses. Those who know me volition hold that I am very picky about my lenses so expect my copies to exist rather better than worse. Notwithstanding, at that place will exist samples that could perform differently. This as well applies for every other review on the web but is especially truthful for a comparison of three zoom lenses.

This commodity is obviously very geeky as it compares the sharpness around the infinity mark in particular at unlike focal lengths and areas of the frame. That's why I volition offset with the..


For those who don't want to expect at all images in item, I've created this table. I've rated the lenses in all analyzed categories. ane stands for the best performer, 3 for the weakest.

Focal Length / Area Sony 2.viii/24-70 GM Tamron two.eight/28-75 DiIII RXD Sony 4/24-105 G OSS
24/28mm / center 1 2 iii
24/28mm / midframe 3 i 2
24/28mm / corner one three 2
35mm / heart 3 ane ii
35mm / midframe 1 2 3
35mm / corner 2 3 one
50mm / center one 2 iii
50mm / midframe one three 2
50mm / corner 1 three 2
70/75mm / eye ane two iii
70/75mm / midframe i ii 3
seventy/75mm / corner ane iii two

Information technology's easily visible that my copy of the 2.eight/24-70 GM lens stands out of the crowd in terms of sharpness. Particularly at the long finish, it resolves generally a scrap more detail than the rest. The weaknesses of the GM are a mid zone dip at 24mm and a slightly worse functioning at 35mm. This behavior also matches with another copy of this lens that I have tested a while agone.

This said, the other lenses are no slouches at all. Generally, the Tamron two.8/28-75 is a flake sharper than the Sony 4/24-105 in the heart while the latter is more constant beyond the frame which fits also well to their applications.

Interestingly, the Tamron renders a bit warmer than both Sony lenses which have roughly the same color/contrast footprint.

In my opinion, nosotros see three very practiced performances and none of these lenses should be ruled out only past this shootout. The other categories of functioning (especially bokeh) and the general specs of the lenses tin can be very important for a buying decision and will be discussed in the adjacent manufactures.

The Sony 2.8/24-seventy GM tin exist bought for $ii.198 at (chapter link), 2.199€ at (chapter link). Sometimes used copies are bachelor at or (afiliate links).

The Tamron 2.viii/28-75 Di III RXD tin be purchased for $899 at (affiliate link) or 829€ at (chapter link). Sometimes you lot can go a used lens or a good deal at or (affiliate links).

The Sony iv/24-105 G OSS tin can exist bought for $1.398 at (affiliate link), ane.398€ at (chapter link). Sometimes used copies are available at or (afiliate links).

Aperture Series (infinity sharpness)


  • Center: Sony two.8/24-lxx GM has a modest advantage over the Tamron 2.8/28-75 in terms of dissimilarity and sharpness. Both lenses are excellent and a chip meliorate than the 4/24-105G
  • Midframe: The Tamron 2.viii/28-75 and the Sony 4/24-105 are very practiced at apertures below f/8, the GM lacks in contrast at these apertures. At f/8, all lenses are well-nigh equal.
  • Corner: The Sony 2.8/24-70 GM resolves more details than the other 2 lenses at all apertures. The other 2 lenses are very close and also keen at all.


  • Center:The Sony ii.8/24-seventy GM looks less crispy at broad apertures, the Tamron two.8/28-75 really shines there and is too a tad amend than the very proficient Sony 4/24-105 K
  • Midframe: The Sony 2.8/24-70 GM is visibly better than the other two lenses, the Tamron follows and the Sony four/24-105 Thousand resolves less fine item
  • Corner: The Sony 2.8/24-lxx GM and the Sony 4/24-105 G are very good at f/8, the latter is a bit amend wide open and is the best lens here. The Tamron 2.viii/28-75 is quite a bit worse hither and needs f/8 for skillful corners


  • Centre: The Sony 2.eight/24-seventy GM is razor sharp here, there is fifty-fifty a tad of diffraction visible at f/v.6. The Tamron ii.eight/28-75 is as well very skillful in the center, the biggest difference to the GM is visible at f/2.8. The Sony iv/24-105 is too very proficient but lacks a bit in edge vigil compared to the other 2.
  • Midframe: The GM clearly wins by a bit and offers great sharpness, the Sony four/24-105 follows and the 2.8/28-75 is the weakest but improves until f/xi
  • Corner: The Tamrom 2.eight/28-75 shows high astigmatism wide open but resolves more detail at smaller apertures while the Sony 4/24-105 is much ameliorate at larger apertures. The Sony ii.eight/24-70 GM is in one case more clearly the best and excellent at f/8.


  • Middle: Once more, the Sony 2.eight/24-70 is visibly ameliorate than the other ii lenses, followed past the Tamron and the Sony 4/24-105 G
  • Midframe: In this area, all lenses are very good. The Sony 2.8/24-70 GM has a pocket-sized advantage, followed by the Tamron 2.8/28-75 and the Sony 4/24-105 G
  • Corner: Surprisingly, all lenses are better than their reputation at the long end. They can use 2 or three stops down for best corner sharpness, the GM is a bit better than the other ii lenses stopped down

Bonus: 105mm: This is what makes the Sony four/24-105 G stand out of the crowd. The cardinal performance is already good wide open up and all-time at f/v.half-dozen. Midframe and corner are sharpest at f/viii, the image is expert across the frame at that place.

Part 2 (bokeh) will follow!

Patently, this shootout is quite a scrap of piece of work. Yous can valuate that if you purchase your gear using one of these affiliate links:

The Sony two.eight/24-70 GM can be bought for $2.198 at (chapter link), two.199€ at (affiliate link).

The Tamron 2.8/28-75 Di 3 RXD can be purchased for $899 at (chapter link) or 829€ at (affiliate link).

The Sony four/24-105 Grand OSS can be bought for $ane.398 at (affiliate link), 1.398€ at (affiliate link).

Continue with Part two: Macro capabilities

Farther Reading

Review: Sony Fe two.8/24-70 GM

Long Term Review: Tamron 28-75mm f/two.eight Di III RXD

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I am a passionate photographer from northern Germany and I love landscape, architecture, travel, portrait and family photography. I use manual lenses just I also enjoy the comfort of autofocus lenses, therefore both can be found in my bag.


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