
How To Make Cupcake Liners

Homemade Muffin Liners | Stress Baking

Homemade Muffin Liners | Stress Baking

Homemade Muffin Liners | Stress Baking

Homemade Muffin Liners | Stress Baking

Homemade Muffin Liners | Stress Baking

Homemade Muffin Liners | Stress Baking

Homemade Muffin Liners | Stress Baking

Part 10 of my Baking Basics serial: Don't have the right size muffin liners for those colossal tins, or didn't realize you were out of standard cupcake liners until you were ready to add your batter? Skilful news – you can easily make your own muffin liners out of parchment newspaper!

Blueberry muffin in a homemade parchment paper muffin liner

Tell me if you've ever been in this position: y'all're all excited to make some gigantic, bakery fashion blueberry muffins so you gather all your ingredients and get to work!

15 minutes after, your oven is preheated and your batter is prepare to go, and when you lot open your box of diverse colored and sized muffin liners you discover that y'all are completely out of jumbo muffin liners. [falls on floor in tears]

Just kidding, it's non that serious . And sure, you could simply grease or spray the tins with nonstick spray – but we're talking muffins that are chock total of blueberries, which means the fruit might be touching the tin, and it might still stick to the sides and bottom.

I don't know about you, but my idea of a good fourth dimension isn't trying to pry a blueberry muffin out of a baking tin can just to observe yourself with a pile of muffin pieces on a plate.

Thankfully, if y'all have some parchment newspaper we have an easy solution to this problem considering you tin can quickly and hands DIY your own muffin liners. YAY!

Materials you need to make your own muffin liners

  • Parchment newspaper
  • Measuring tape or ruler
  • Pair of scissors
  • Object that fits inside each muffin cup (i.east.: a glass or can)
Four photo collage showing the process of making your own parchment paper muffin liners

How to make muffin liners

The process is the same for both standard-sized muffins and colossal-sized muffins, it'due south just a matter of different measurements and quantities for each.

For jumbo muffin tins (aff link) : Mensurate out approximately vi″ squares for each muffin loving cup (jumbo muffin cups are ordinarily 3 ½″ in diameter). So for a colossal muffin tin that holds 6 muffins, you want half-dozen 6″ squares of parchment newspaper.

For standard muffin tins (aff link) : Measure out out approximately five″ squares for each muffin cup (standard muffin cups are unremarkably ii ¾″ in diameter). So for a standard muffin can that holds 12 muffins, y'all want twelve 5″ squares of parchment paper. Even better, purchase these pre-cut parchment squares and always have them handy!

Overhead shot of six jumbo homemade parchment paper muffin liners

Grab an object that fits well into the base of each muffin cup – I discover that some of my drinking glasses work well, as well as some canned appurtenances in my pantry.

Placing the object base in the center of the parchment square, wrap the parchment effectually your object to course the cup, forming creases around the bottom to really mold it into the shape y'all need.

You tin simply remove it from the object and stick information technology into your muffin tin, or you can practise what I like to do – place them into the muffin tin with the object sitting within to weigh it downwardly. I notice that by letting them sit this way until I'm ready to use them, they agree their grade a fleck better.

Voila! You lot have homemade tulip style muffin cups.

Blueberry muffin batter before and after baking in homemade parchment paper muffin liners

Want cleaner looking pleats?

If you lot want to ensure that the pleats are as symmetrical as possible, yous tin can pinch the paper against the object between the 4 corners of your parchment square with one mitt while folding and pressing each corner with your other mitt.

Can I use DIY muffin liners for cupcakes?

You certain tin can. Making cupcake liners out of parchment newspaper is the exact aforementioned process, but I'd recommend trimming the pinnacle edges of the parchment before adding any frosting to your cupcakes.

Can I use bleached parchment paper?

Yeah! I just keep unbleached parchment paper in my house, merely bleached parchment paper will work just also for bootleg muffin liners.

The only deviation between the two is that bleached parchment paper is white because information technology's been treated with chlorine, while unbleached parchment newspaper is untreated and chocolate-brown in color.

Can I use wax newspaper instead?

Nope. Wax paper isn't safety to put in the oven because the wax blanket on the newspaper tin melt, or even ignite!

Parchment paper is condom to use in the oven because its silicone blanket is specifically developed to exist heat resistant.

Blueberry muffin on an unwrapped homemade parchment paper muffin liner

I hope this helps! Are there any questions about this topic that I didn't answer? Let me know in the comments below .

How to Make Muffin Liners Out of Parchment Paper

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Don't have the right size muffin liners for those jumbo tins, or didn't realize you were out of standard cupcake liners until you were ready to add your batter? Good news – you can easily make your ain muffin liners out of parchment newspaper!

Prep Time 3 minutes

Cook Time 5 minutes

Full Time 8 minutes

Servings 12 standard muffin liners (or vi jumbo)

  • Ruler or tape measurer

  • Pair of scissors

  • Parchment paper
  • Object that fits within each muffin cup, (i.e.: a drinking glass or can)

For colossal muffin tins:

  • Measure out and cut out approximately 6″ squares for each muffin cup (jumbo muffin cups are ordinarily three ½″ in diameter). So for a jumbo muffin tin can that holds half dozen muffins, you want six half dozen″ squares of parchment paper.

For standard muffin tins:

  • Measure and cut out approximately 5″ squares for each muffin cup (standard muffin cups are ordinarily 2 ¾″ in diameter). And so for a standard muffin tin that holds 12 muffins, you want twelve 5″ squares of parchment paper.

  • Grab an object that fits well into the base of each muffin cup – I find that some of my drinking glasses work well, as well as some canned appurtenances in my pantry.

  • Placing the object base in the center of the parchment square, wrap the parchment around your object to form the loving cup, forming creases around the bottom to really mold information technology into the shape you need.

  • Yous can only remove it from the object and stick it into your muffin can, or you lot can do what I like to do – place them into the muffin can with the object sitting inside to counterbalance it down. I notice that by letting them sit this way until I'm set up to use them, they hold their class a bit better.

  • Voila! You accept homemade tulip style muffin cups. Utilize them in your favorite muffin or cupcake recipe and enjoy!

  • Want cleaner looking pleats? If you lot want to ensure that the pleats are as symmetrical as possible, you can pinch the newspaper against the object between the four corners of your parchment square with 1 paw while folding and pressing each corner with your other hand.
  • Can I use them for cupcakes? You sure can. Making cupcake liners out of parchment paper is the verbal same process, merely I'd recommend trimming the height edges of the parchment before adding any frosting to your cupcakes.
  • Tin I use bleached parchment newspaper? Yep! I merely keep unbleached parchment newspaper in my house, but bleached parchment paper volition work just as well for homemade muffin liners. The only deviation between the two is that bleached parchment newspaper is white considering it'due south been treated with chlorine, while unbleached parchment paper is untreated and brown in color.
  • Tin I apply wax paper instead? Nope. Wax newspaper isn't safe to put in the oven because the wax coating on the paper can melt, or even ignite! Parchment paper is safety to utilise in the oven because its silicone coating is specifically adult to exist rut resistant.

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Other content in the Blistering Basics serial:

How To Make Cupcake Liners,


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